Add Pool


Go to the home page and click 'Add pool' the top left hand side then highlight swap near the top middle of the page.

On the left hand side, choose your coin from the drop down list you are choosing from and enter your amount, on the right hand side choose from the list to the coin you are exchanging to. The figures will automatically appear. The Minimum received, Price Impact and Liquidity Provider Fee will be listed. Click Swap and a new page will open, click confirm swap and this may take you to your wallet provider to confirm.

Liquidity (Add Pool)

Go to the home page and click 'Swap' on the top left hand side then highlight Liquidity near the top middle of the page. On the left hand side, choose your coin from the drop down list in which tokens you would like to add for the liquidity pair. Input Section A amount of liquidity, and do the same for Section B and this will give you a conversion rate against the pair. The conversions will automatically appear below. Then once happy click Supply Liquidity and this may take you to your wallet provider to confirm. This is now complete.

Last updated